Relationship with her mother is a cornerstone of a woman’s life, as at some point in live she becomes a mother herself. Even grown up women are often guided by their mothers’ opinions, feel the need of their approval and support. When is the umbilical cord really cut? The physical one gets separated just after birth, but the psychological, spiritual connection can last forever.
The project “Umbilical Cord” is a study of relationships between mothers and daughters, its aim is to discover what common psychological issues they have, find similarities in the way people of different generations perceive behavioural motives. To what extent do mothers define their daughters’ future? What kind of relationship should two nearest and dearest people have? In this project contributors are trying to answer all these questions. For them it was an art therapy of a kind: an opportunity to speak out, share their personal stories, let go of resentment and pain.
Published in Takie Dela,, Bird-in-Flight, Dodho Magazine, RTVI, mediaproject S.T.O.L.

While some people think, “What would my mum do?” and act accordingly, I ask myself the same question and do the opposite. But sometimes I realize - with horror - that I cannot do the opposite, no matter how you slice it, despite our difference, my mum is always somewhere there…"